Parent Services
Quality connection between parents and their children is difficult these days with our this fast paced world filled with technology and many demands on our time. Parents have a profound effect on the mental health and social emotional intelligence of their children, and it’s through quality connection that children’s and teenager’s mental health and social emotional intelligence is developed.
Parents want the best for their children, but sometimes they don’t know how to support their children socially and emotionally. Most parents have grown up with outdated mental health stigmas and limited scientific information explaining how the brain and nervous system develop or what strategies are best for their development.
Parents often teach and model social and emotional skills from their own personal experiences which may be filled with unresolved pain or trauma from childhood. Parents may not have learned how to honor the importance of emotions or how to identify, feel, or express emotions in healthy ways.
Our children and teenagers are connecting more and more through technology, and many of them are feeling more lonely, depressed, anxious, and emotionally disconnected.