Teacher Services
In Focus Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum
What Makes In Focus Unique?
In Focus incorporates neuroscience into a powerful social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. The structure and sequence of the lessons are built on the findings of extensive brain research and meet the most important needs of students’ brains. In Focus is brain-based, simple, consistent, and effective.
Teacher Services
In Focus Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum
What Makes In Focus Unique?
In Focus incorporates neuroscience into a powerful social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. The structure and sequence of the lessons are built on the findings of extensive brain research and meet the most important needs of students’ brains. In Focus is brain-based, simple, consistent, and effective.
“Very easy plans that students loved to engage with and think about. The layout of the lessons are fabulous. The kiddos fully enjoyed the lessons and asked for them.”
“In Focus’ short and thoughtful lessons made it easy to meet the social and emotional needs of my students. The students looked forward to the lessons and learned a framework to help them self-soothe.”
“The In Focus book has opened up an entire new level of understanding for me in my career. The idea of social/emotional learning was not new to me, but I always understood it in the abstract. This book gave me and my students concrete tools to use and explained why and how they worked. Not only has it allowed me to work better with emotionally struggling students, it’s allowed me to better understand myself and my own reactions in the classroom and out. It is a vital tool in the 21st century classroom.”
“The kids LOVED sitting in a circle and “checking in.” They begged for “checking in” just a comment or two about how they were feeling at that moment and a short reason why if they knew.”
“Very easy plans that students loved to engage with and think about. The layout of the lessons are fabulous. The kiddos fully enjoyed the lessons and asked for them.”
“In Focus’ short and thoughtful lessons made it easy to meet the social and emotional needs of my students. The students looked forward to the lessons and learned a framework to help them self-soothe.”
“The In Focus book has opened up an entire new level of understanding for me in my career. The idea of social/emotional learning was not new to me, but I always understood it in the abstract. This book gave me and my students concrete tools to use and explained why and how they worked. Not only has it allowed me to work better with emotionally struggling students, it’s allowed me to better understand myself and my own reactions in the classroom and out. It is a vital tool in the 21st century classroom.”
“The kids LOVED sitting in a circle and “checking in.” They begged for “checking in” just a comment or two about how they were feeling at that moment and a short reason why if they knew.”